Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Husband for Sale!!

We are in the middle of a BLIZZARD!! It started snowing at 5:30, it is now 8 and we have at least 3 inches and it is not letting up. I am just glad we have no where to go tonight. Well, I kinda wish Greg had somewhere to go. We were just sitting here watching boring basketball, (as usual) and I was looking out the window watching the snowy blizzardly weather and though, hmmm...wow, a nice bath would feel good. So I left Greg to boring basketball, put a little Keith Urban on and was laying in the warm bath tub relaxing when all of a sudden a pile of snow was dumped on me. Its not like I can chase Greg through the house soaking wet so instead I tried to throw as much back at him as possible. But then, it all ended up on the floor for me to clean up later. Greg sure likes to tease me, I try not to give him the reaction he is looking for because then I think maybe it will stop. But, no, he is obviously getting the reaction he wants :) (and no, I am NOT DRAMATIC!) haha

On a good note, Greg got his grades for last quarter and did great! I am so glad, he put so much time and effort into his school that I would really have to complain about it taking away from ME time if he did not do so good! So good job babe! I would say lets go out and celebrate but that costs money that is paying for next quarter so lets stay in and watch boring basketball.

I am very impressed with Greg though and his work ethic. He gets up so early and studies and  puts alot of effort in to his work. He is working so hard to get his 18 month program done in one year. I complain alot and am SO excited for this to be over, but I know it will all work out and be a good thing in the future. So in other words...Greg is not for sale but, he might have a black eye next time I get snow dumped on me in the bath.

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed at your restraint. I think I would have had to come up with some kind of retaliation if I had snow dumped on me in the bath :) I agree about the boring basketball. Sam is just glued to it and that is all he is talking about right now. I followed your link on facebook and am excited that I can keep up with you. It looks like you had a great trip. Take care, Shelli
